The Beauty of Pinup and Commercial Art

This is a blog about men and women as seen throughout the history of advertising and pinup art. Art has always reflected the distinct diversity and beauty of both sexes respectively. Just as there is a moon, there is a sun, a night and day, cold and hot...male and female. It is the very sustenance of Nature.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh, take me away...

The ad above is from 1955 for Jantzen swimwear. Here we see a beautiful, latin looking brunette with very cute, feminine curves, accentuated by a frilly swimsuit full of flowery designs. She's ecstatic, revelling in her power to attract the opposite sex. We don't see his face, because it's not really necessary for the effects of the ad, but we do see the hands of a man on the upper right corner. He's grabbing her by the wrists, taking her away. This is the effect she has on him, she knows it and is satisfied to exude such feminine power that stirs him to the core of his masculine self.


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