The World War II picture is once again, from Al Buell. Since he was not allowed to go and fight the Axis, he contributed with the war effort by painting a series of pinups supporting our mission. At the time, women were asked to participate in the armed forces as well. While women were not allowed into combat missions, they did provide much needed logistical support.
As seen above, an ordinary young woman has many choices she can make. While contemplating her decision, she holds a set of keys under her left wrist. Keys symbolize destiny: Her destiny is in her hands. She wears a navy blue skirt, very reminiscent of those worn by servicewomen at the time, meaning her mind is already half made up to join one of the services, but which would it be?
No doubt, this picture was designed with young women in mind. For men, more rugged and rough images would be used to appeal to their sense of masculinity, and stir them into wanting to fight. Buell's style in this picture, while sober, still manages to add a soft touch by posing his model in such a playful manner. Her attitude creates a contrast with the reality of what joining those services actually means. Although, she's contemplating joining one of the services, it doesn't appear as if she takes it too seriously.
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