Can you give me a little hand?
Depends who you ask. Here we have a charming illustration for S.0.S. from 1956. We can observe that the young man has apparently stopped working cleaning those tires to near perfection. Something else is grabbing his attention. The attractive curvy girl with the jeans has taken over his space, almost neutralizing the power of the car. For every man his car is his status. He wants to keep in good working order and wants the best to maintain it clean--with S.O.S pads. However, he needs the girl too. What does he want more?
The natural curve of the woman's back lies over the frontal curve of the Volkswagen. Her feminine body soon takes precedence. No matter how beautiful the car, it can never compete with the beauty of the female. Her curves are flexible, and controllable only by her. She knows when and how to move, to bring out the best of the masculine emotions that translate into action. A car is controlled by its driver, but the female can choose who, when and if she will be controlled. She accelerates, decelerates and the mutual emotions intensify.
The young girl looks down at her mate from her vantage point--on top of his car. She's provocative, smiling, and making the conversation flow. He may continue polishing this wheel, but by this time, his mind is already distracted. More important matters require his attention.
Intriguing blog! I have never seen these ads before...all loaded with various connotations and innuendos and charmingly subtle erotic undertones.
Keep up the fine work!
"The Cherry Red Report"
Thank you for so much for your comment. I'm glad you enjoy it :)
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