Bright and Perfect World
"It's a work of art," seems to be what the young housewife is saying in this 1960 ad for Sharon Steel Corporation. The illustration is clear in its depiction of male/female division of labor. The attractive young wife is in her domain, the kitchen, polishing her tools of the trade. This is her space and these are her tools. This is the world she controls and knows best. By contrast, in the background we see her husband, also polishing, but instead of kitchen utensils, he's polishing his prized possession: a car. This is his world, his domain. The car represents his status in the community. It has to kept in good working condition and shape. It has to be shiny as this represents success. Thanks to this success he's married, has a house and can provide his wife with all the tools she wants and needs.
The balance in this picture is created by the division of labor between the sexes. The man is outside, essentially taking care of his car while his wife is inside maintaining her world in order. Just as both are opposite, they compliment each other symbiotically.
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