The Beauty of Pinup and Commercial Art

This is a blog about men and women as seen throughout the history of advertising and pinup art. Art has always reflected the distinct diversity and beauty of both sexes respectively. Just as there is a moon, there is a sun, a night and day, cold and hot...male and female. It is the very sustenance of Nature.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

And the past becomes the present...

The ad above is from 1951, for Maxwell House coffee. It brings us memories from the distant past of our ancestors, when the women stayed behind preparing the food, stoking the fires while the man diligently when out to find the means of survival. Here we see the man approaching the camp with more wood for the fire, as the woman signals it's time for (Maxwell House) coffee.

A lot of warmth radiates from this woman. This is emphasized by her red shirt which glows redder from the light of the fire below. This reddish hue brings out a warmer flesh tone. On her right hand she holds the coffee pot and with her left she signals her man that coffee is ready. Both the pot and the cup are white, the same color as her pants. One can take this as meaning that giving and caring, symbolized by the pot and cup comes natural to this woman. The color white connects her nurturing attitude with the objects, serving as an extension of her nature.

From the approaching man's view, she sees a beautiful woman, glowing by the fire, holding a coffee pot on one hand and an empty cup on the other. That cup is for him, and he's looking forward to it after working hard, cutting and gathering wood for their fire. How reassuring to come back to the comforts of a woman who cares so much for you. She has the coffee ready and plates nearby which will soon be filled with the food being cooked.

The fire itself symbolizes their union, their passion and love for each other. Already the sun is coming down, and soon it will only be the fire providing light and warmth to the couple. The warmth that may lead to a more passionate intimacy as the night falls.


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