The Beauty of Pinup and Commercial Art

This is a blog about men and women as seen throughout the history of advertising and pinup art. Art has always reflected the distinct diversity and beauty of both sexes respectively. Just as there is a moon, there is a sun, a night and day, cold and hot...male and female. It is the very sustenance of Nature.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The same resolve continues today...

The clothes and the attitudes have changed. The world is vastly more complex in terms of technology and opportunities, but the essences haven't changed. These women pilots are equally determined as their World War II sisters in fighting for the same causes, however debatable that may be today. Nor the uniforms or military hardware rob them of their basic feminine self which is still evident in their smiles and movements. These women fliers have succeeded in fulfilling their human potential, each day risking their lives and playing with death. If there is any time to pay tribute to them is during this Memorial Day weekend when we take over the roads with our cars. However, we should pay tribute to them everyday as they flourish through their every acts of courage.

The tribute continues...

The poster illustrations above are from the World War II era when every man and woman were needed to fight the menacing Fascist regimes in Europe and Asia. The posters depict a very feminine woman, yet one whose resolve is strong and unwavering against an enemy who threatens basic values of justice and freedom. Her strength and determined will lies on her words, "...this is my war, too." Here we see that, although different, femininity is just as strong as masculinity in its own way.

Friday, May 25, 2007

A tribute to all women in the armed forces, past and present

During this Memorial Day weekend, we should not only remember all the men who have died in past wars and are currently involved in present wars, but also let us not forget the great sacrifices of women past who served in the armed forces and if we can't agree on the politics of current conflicts, whether in Iraq or Afghanistan, at least let us support not only the brave men who risk their lives, but also the women who have proven their worth in and out of battle.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's cooler inside...

This is a 1954 ad for Arrow shirts. Here we see the divide between the male and female worlds, clearly defined by the opened house door running down the middle of the picture. On the left is the home, with the woman in charge, having the kids and everything under her control. She is thoughtful, caring and ready to give comfort to those she love most. On the right, we see the man of the house headed to his domain. It is obviously a hot summer day as he dries the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief. He's been out there, working hard, making a living to support his wife and children. The wife is aware of all he does to support them, she's conscious of his hard work and responsibility and now she wants to surprise him with...Arrow shirts. Clearly, the advertisers wanted to sent the message that an Arrow shirt is for the real man who knows how to take care of his life and the lives of others. He deserves to be rewarded with a nice house, a good wife and two beautiful children, here represented by a boy and girl symbolizing the balance of the sexes.

The wife is smiling imagining his reaction when he comes through the door and is surprised with the shirts. Although it may be well meaning, in my opinion this ad doesn't make much sense. The ad suggests it is very hot outside. I don't think this man is really looking forward to be surprised by shirts, but rather a very nice, ice cold drink instead! The ad puts the wife in an absurd position. It stretches the reality that Arrow shirts will keep you cool on a hot summer day.

Nevertheless, the ad does work in emphasizing the differences between the male and female world.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Be sociable and enjoy these other great links...

The following are links to other pinup or pinup related blogs and websites that I think are fabulous too:
World War II pinups
Kim Harlow--a great contemporary pinup artist
World War II pinup Queens
Carlos Cartagena--another great artist
Susan Heidi's pinup blog
Chris Wall's Illustration blog
The Art of Barbara Jensen
The Art of Jennifer Janesko--a beautiful site
The Pinup Portal
Olivia De Berandinis--erotic pinup artist