Who is Kim Kardashian? Nowadays she's known for her hit TV reality show,
Keeping Up With the Kardashians on the E! Channel. She is the daughter of the late Robert Kardashian Sr., a top lawyer who defended controversial figures like O.J. Simpson in high profile cases.
Kim is a gorgeous woman with sculpted curves which no doubt gets plenty of attention wherever she goes. Aside from being a savvy businesswoman and entrepreneur, she has that alluring sexiness that almost crosses the line into the adult entertainment industry. As a matter of fact, Kim has already posed for Playboy and a spicy video of her with her boyfriend making love was distributed over the internet. In this sense, she is not pinup material, because pinup makes us think about all the naughty possibilities
without doing anything. However, her body has classic curves which are returning as the
must look to have. After Jennifer Lopez successfully introduced her Latin curves, many women have wanted to follow this trend, including other famous actresses like Cameron Diaz, who recently stated she wanted a bigger rear. All this goes back to the inherent differences between men and women. Despite having successful careers and more freedom of choices, women don't want to lose that which at the end of the day makes them feel who they are as women:
femininity however you want to describe it. These physical attributes, that Kim Kardashian enjoys is what part of the whole package that makes a woman feel complete. Guys, on the other hand, will hit the gym to widen their chest and shoulders. This is what gives guys that confident edge. At the end of their day, they also feel more complete as men even if they're changing diapers.